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Strip for 7/11/2001  
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And with this strip, we end our Fortune Cookie Genie storyline. Hope you've enjoyed the artistic stylings of Kid Sinister. Saturday, we return the regular art. I hope you've enjoyed the trip into fantasy land for a while as well.

My latest writing project is a script for a trailer to a movie that will never be made. Shooting will be done with only 1 DV cam. I have no idea how to actually shoot certain shots with just one angle. To be honest, I have no idea how to be a director or a camerman. However, the movie must be made, and made well. I'll let you know how it goes.

Life continues in California mostly the same, but better. We're a much closer apartment now after a couple weeks. I'm starting to get to know a few other interns as well, although many of them will be leaving much sooner than me. Now that I'm actually producing stuff at work, the summer seems like it's running out of my hands. But I'm really enjoying work. My heart's in it.

I'll be able to spend weekends here too now that my parents' CA vacation is over. I liked having them here, but leaving the past two weekends has hindered me actually adjusting to being out here.

I fixed this annoying table bug that was showing up. It turns out it was my verbose titles of strips in the selector that was pushing things out of order. So only short titles from now on! Things are still a little messed up in IE5.1.1 in OS X so I might rework the table code. At least I know what's causing it now...

I'll leave you with this tip... if a data CD doesn't pass all its tests during a burn, don't assume that those bits don't matter. :-)

Song today is All I Ever Wanted by Tim Mahoney. His official website is here, but I warn you, the number of popup windows is ludicrous. Enjoy the music, not the front page...
