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5/1/2003: Packages
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icon for kip
Made it!
Posted at 10:19:02 PM on May 1, 2003 by kip
So... does it count as late if I get it in before midnight on Thursday?
This was another strip originally written for Scrubs and adapted for B&B. I have no shame. I was getting a lot of packages last year throughout the year. This year was better because I was strapped for cash for most of the time. But now, with a jingle in my pocket, I'm back to my consumerist ways.
Couple things here... notice how big the box is that a single DVD comes in? What's with packaging these days? I thought it was supposed to be cheaper to send smaller things. This box for Jenny from J Crew was truly immense, relative to its contents. I do like the little starchy pellet things that dissolve in water. They taste like potato. Just kidding.
Anyway, sorry for the lateness. I'm going to try to get these done over the weekend so this doesn't happen more.
icon for ming
Posted at 09:37:53 PM on May 3, 2003 by ming
Love this! Especially since I got two packages on Friday. Thanks for getting it posted on time. I was missing my fix on Thursday morning!