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11/18/2003: Packing
This is the first strip of "Travel"
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Big! Small!
Posted at 11:07:45 PM on Nov 17, 2003 by kip
I finally decided on the big bag and the small laptop. It was a tough decision. While I was tempted to pack Reynard (my 15" Powerbook) on the journey as his first out of state trip, I think Khai's tempermental AlBook might be a bad influence. I'll make do with the work laptop, which thankfully has a DVD drive in it.

As for the bag situation, I was going to use a smaller duffel instead of the dead body hiding bag, but in the end, I decided the latter looks more professional. It sucks having to pack for both work and play, but I guess the alternative is just traveling for work (and no play and dull boys).

I'll be gone until Sunday, but the B&B autoposter should keep things running along. Better than the last couple of weeks. But that's not hard.