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Strip for 12/1/2001  
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Disillusioned Dave is not a real person, but a composite sketch of the many fellow Computer Engineers who've become frustrated with the monotony of lectures, homework assignments, and sterile computer labs. Of course, most people who get in this situation realize it quickly due to our extensive array of weedout classes. Then they become Industrial Engineers.

When I first got to college, I thought that most of the engineers were BME, since my brother had been a BME and my peer group was all BME except for me. I think it's funny to see how years later, quite a number of the BME's have become either Industrial Engineers or dropped out of Tech entirely. I guess that's what taking orgo does to you.

Am I disillusioned with my area of study? I don't think so. I know that I'm not the best hacker in the world, but I'm certainly not the worst. I like thinking about the theories of computing, and I think that the type of thinking I enjoy is useful in more than just a technical field. So no matter where my life ends up, I think that studying (and sometimes hating) computer engineering / science has been a pretty good idea.

Oh, yeah, my double major just went through! After years of saying that these were my majors, I'm finally officially going to get two degrees. It's not the most expansive double major in the world, but it's mine.

Wow, it's December already. I know I'm not being the most articulate person tonight, but it's becaue I used up all my eloquence on my Asian American lit paper. It would not have been written if it weren't for the Unicorn Cafe and its fine lattes, studious ambiance, and lack of a PS2 running SSX Tricky. Anyway, it's December, and I thought that meant something, but I'll save the thought until my brain and fingers get a bit better at saying what they wanna say.

Finally, I want to give a "shout out" to my "brotha" and "sista" who are presently "chillin" in UCSD. Those are F-Dog for keeping the mail rolling, and Jen, for listening to my whining.
